Flower Guide for Celosia

Unique, vivid and bold appearance, celosia will most certainly do the job if you’re looking for a statement bloom.

This flower is not commonly associated with wedding flowers, but it works beautifully for contrast and texture. Ideal for autumn when paired with berries and grasses. Perfect for bouquet work and vase arrangements.

Common Name(s): Cockscomb

Botanical Name: Celosia (see-LO-si-ah)

Family: Amaranthaceae

Origin: Tropical Regions

Description: Unusual shaped flower. Resembles a coral or folds of brain. the blossom is large and found singly at the end of a heavy stalk.

Form: Round

Botanical Facts: The name is from the Greek word keleos for 'burnt', referring to the bright red fiery colours and shape of the unusual flower. Celosia is related to Amaranthus.

Types of Celosia

There are different types of celosia available on the flower markets. Varieties can vary in colours.

Colours: Red, Green, Yellow, Cream, Rose, cerise pink and orange 

Type of Anemone: Poppy Anemone
Type of Anemone: Japenese Anemone

Caring for Celosia

For purchasing, blooms should be bright, not dull and the foliage should be turgid.

For conditioning, you will need to pay close attention to the water level as anemones are heavy drinkers. Remove all foliage below the water line, cut under water with a sharp knife or scissors and condition in a water with floral food for a couple of hours or overnight before storage or usage.

Vase Life: 5 to 7 days

Stem Type: Soft

Storage: 5 to 8 degrees

Seasonal Availability

Availability: May to November (peak: June to November)

Substitution: Chrysanthemum Blooms, Dahlia