Flower Guide for Centaurea

Unique, delicate and bold appearance, cornflowers will most certainly do the job if you’re looking for a statement bloom with a quintessential style.

This seasonal flower are popular for weddings and centres. The natural contrast between the centre and the petals creates an enticing visual aesthetic, regardless of where you’re using them, whether it be centrepieces or bouquets.

Perfect if you are looking to achieve a natural, wild flower effect. Cornflowers have relatively soft stems which are not recommended for wiring. However, you could glue the individual heads with care

The flower meaning is Delicacy.

Common Name(s): Cornflowers, Bachelor's Button, Bluebottle

Botanical Name: Centaurea, (sent-ta-REE-a)

Origin: Native to Europe

Family: Asteraceae

Description: Wild flower with delicate soft thistle like petals. 

Botanical Facts: The name is from the Greek word Kentaur for Centaur. The national flower of Estonia

Form: Round

Types of Centaurea

Colours: Royal blue, maroon, pink and white

Type of Anemone: Poppy Anemone
Type of Anemone: Japenese Anemone

Caring for Centaurea

For purchasing, select when the buds are half open

For conditioning, you will need to pay close attention to the water level as anemones are heavy drinkers. Remove all foliage below the water line, cut under water with a sharp knife or scissors and condition in a water with floral food for a couple of hours or overnight before storage or usage.

Monitor the water levels as they are particularly thirsty flowers

Vase Life: 5 to 7 days

Stem Type: Soft

Storage: 2 to 5 degrees

Seasonal Availability

Availability: May to September