Seasonal Bouquet in Holder

Seasonal Winter Bouquet in Holder

Time: 28 minutes and 40 seconds | Season: All Year Round (predominantly winter)

In this demonstration, you will learn how to create a seasonal bouquet for a winter wedding using a bouquet holder. Bouquet holders are a great way to impress, all within a sturdy, pre formed framework. These high quality tools are available in different shapes and sizes, accommodating for your creativity while eliminating the need to figure out how to keep the stems altogether.

Moreover, if you are a perfectionist, you will enjoy working with holders as they allow for more control than the hand-tied arrangement. You can place the stems exactly where they need to be in the foam. 

Tips: If you are looking to be more eco-friendly and sustainable, you may wish to avoid using the use of foam whilst creating the bouquet. You can use chicken wire or egg to help construct he bouquet as previously demonstrated earlier in the year. The use of the support grid will allow you to pop the stems down if required and provide you with extra support throughout the construction. 

If you wish to recreate this demonstration for a client or practice, you will need the following:

QuantityEquipment / Plant Materials
1 pairScissors AND Secateurs
1 Bouquet Holder (of choice)
1 branch Blue Spruce
1 bunch Conifer
1-2 stems Ilex Blue Prince (foliage)
5 stems Pussy Willow (Salix)
6 stems Rose Red (of choice)
1 bunch Skimmia Kew Green (or alternative)
1 bunch Ivy with Berry (or alternative)
1 roll Ribbon (of choice)

Thank you for watching this tutorial. I hope this has provided you with an insight into how to construct an all round styled bouquet using a bouquet holder and you can take away useful tips and tricks to employ in your own wedding floristry. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask below in the comments section or in the Facebook Community Group. We will be on hand to answer as best as possible during this busy season. 

Thanks again, I look forward to seeing you again for another tutorial, and for another wedding demonstration next year in 2024! 


  1. Isabel McIntyre on 11/12/2023 at 11:18 am

    Beautiful winter bouquet! It does look very easy to hold.

    • Debbie on 14/12/2023 at 11:35 am

      Hello Isabel. Thank you for your comment. The bouquet is easy to hold. When using a foam holder it can be heavier than a hand-tied option and obviously not so eco-friendly, but does have the benefit of offering good stability and from a purchasing perspective, shorter stems can be used giving potential reduced costs for your plant materials!

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